FIXTURES 21st FEB + OVER ’55 – 7 – A SIDE

FIXTURES 21st FEB + OVER ’55 – 7 – A SIDE

To find out more, drop us an E-Mail to Skitzo Sun and Rain Tuesday 20th Feb 2024 Welcome back Masters, Fixtures Wed 21 Feb The difficulties encountered in securing access to a 3rd field on Wednesday nights has been satisfactorily resolved for now. Hurrah.. as this means we only need to play on one night each week albeit at $ cost to players but most of it has been absorbed with reduction in other overheads. The draw for Round One follows…. We are still intending to fire up the O’ 55s 7 aside .. more details to follow. PLEASE NOTE :UNFINANCIAL MEMBERS AS AT 4pm ON MATCH DAY WILL BE INELIGIBLE TO PLAYIF YOUR NAME IS NOT ON TEAM SHEET THEN YOU ARE INELIGIBLE TO PLAY Masters Blue have a BYE18:30 Field 1 GCK Old Boys Vs Wizards19:35 Field 1 Brothers Vs Tiger Cubs20:40 Field 1 Wallabies FC Vs Shirthouse Sharks 18:30 Field 2 Farcelona Vs Real Ale Madrid19:35 Field 2 Burleigh St Germain Vs Masters Gold 18:30 Field 3 Former Glory Vs Tweed Tigers19:35 Field 3 Club Foot Vs Unathletic Madrid Here’s to a great 2024 Season.Please do not endeavour to contact us via Facebook as it’s not always monitored.Please send an E-mail to our Registrar : RegardsGCMF Committee Wet, Steamy, Australia Day Weekend Sunday Happy New Year MastersAlmost one month down already. GCMF SUMMER COMPETITION 11 A-side CompetitionsOur Season start date is yet to be confirmed but the aim is Wednesday 21st February. Unfortunately, there can be no earlier friendly games or training sessions held at Pizzey Park. Summer Competition Details 2 Divisions (11 a-side) Wizards promoted to Div 1Burleigh St Germain relegated. All members (Registered Players) from 2023 Winter Competition will need to contact the Team Manager of their prospective 2024 Team to confirm their intentions of participating in 2024 and assist in ensuring Team Nomination and Fee is submitted on time. Then if your Nominated Team is accepted into the Competition you shall need to pay the GCMF membership invoice ($20) which will be emailed to you on Friday February 2nd. GCMF Membership Fee and your contribution to your Teams Fee (as set by individual teams) will need to be paid immediately to ensure your Team’s provisional acceptance being confirmed.Any New Players without Teams for ’24, please E-Mail your interest to our Registrar 7 A-SIDE COMPETITION Team or individual player nominations to play in a 7 A-Side competition on Wednesday nights at 6.30pm and 7.30pm (if need be) can be sent to the queries welcomed. Team Nominations – must include names of minimum of 8 persons – Males aged 56 and...

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Hi Masters PAN PACIFIC MASTERS GAMES REVERTS BACK TO BI-ANNUAL Following extensive consideration of feedback from loyal Pan Pacific Masters Games (PPMG) sports, participants and stakeholders the decision has been made not to proceed with an annual event and resume a biennial delivery of the largest and most successful masters multisport event in the world. Planning has commenced to deliver a bigger, reinvigorated and even more exciting Pan Pacific Masters Games experience from 1 – 10 November 2024. Hi Masters You only have seven days to save and enter before early bird fees finish on Wednesday 31 August 2022 (11:59pm AEST). More than 7,500 athletes from over 20 countries have already entered. It’s shaping up to be an amazing 10 days of sport and celebration on the beautiful Gold Coast this November. Don’t miss out! With over 40 sports to choose from, dozens of world-class venues to experience and a massive entertainment program to help you celebrate, it’s an event you don’t want to miss. To enter, Click here ************************************************************************ Friday 5th August PAN PACIFIC MASTERS GAMESWe are delighted to announce that this year will see the revival of the purpose built and exclusive Pan Pacific Masters Games Village alongside the beach at Kurrawa Park in the heart of Broadbeach. With access only to PPMG registered competitors or supporters your very own ‘big top’ is where you’ll party the night away after a big day of competition, meet old friends and new and soak up the camaraderie the legendary Games Village is famous for. Think beverages at the bar, exquisite food van experiences to choose from followed by a chillax overlooking the stunning GC skyline before a boogie on the dance floor with your teammates and new friends. A fantastic program of live entertainment kicks off on opening night with headline act, ‘The Australian Rock Collective’ featuring celebrated musicians from Spiderbait, The Wrights and Powderfinger.The Games Village will be open:◾ Saturday 5 November: 5pm – 10pm (Opening Night)◾ Sunday 6 November: 3pm – 9pm◾ Tuesday 8 November: 6pm – 10pm◾ Thursday 10 November: 6 – 10pm◾ Saturday 12 November: 5 – 10pm (Closing Night) The Check in Centre will be open:◾ Thursday 3 November: 12pm – 7pm◾ Friday 4 November: 8am – 7pm◾ Saturday 5 November: 8am – 7pm◾ Sunday 6 November: 8am – 7pm◾ Monday 7 – Friday 11 November: 10am – 4pm Stay tuned for more information on the Games Village entertainment and special opportunities for PPMG competitors and supporters to explore the local scene and enjoy exclusive offers and experiences on the nights the ‘big top’ is closed.In the meantime, get ready for plenty of Gold...

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SPIRIT OF THE GAME FRIENDSHIP Mateship is fundamental to our Australian culture. Everyone who plays or supports Masters Football shares a common interest—that is …..their love of the game. Camaraderie is not reserved to the individual Teams. Masters Football is about encouraging Players and Supporters to build Mateship beyond that. Get to know Players and Supporters from other Teams. They are fathers, grandfathers, sons, uncles and brothers, just like you. Players as bread winners need to leave the field uninjured…. FUN Masters Football is about having a laugh, taking the piss respectfully out of your Team Mates and those on opposing Teams (read respectfully). We are in the retirement home for footballers. Our bodies are no longer up for what we did as young men. Look after it and be mindful of others. Who knows how long we’ll have to use it? FAIRNESS Play the ball not the man and remember to leave a man’s back to himself. Vindictive sledging and over aggressive play need not be tolerated. Play the Ball, an expression we are all too familiar with as young men—it still applies as mature men. Control your anger don’t let it control you. Don’t jump to conclusions—-Collisions happen. Our steering and braking system ‘aint what it used to be. Some players are playing with replacement parts be mindful of that. Respect your elders, it’s pretty easy to see who may be an elder. Respect the Refs even if you don’t agree. Follow proper channels if you consider something needs addressing. Remember also, we do have female members and spectators…. FITNESS Get the heart pumping and the legs moving. Fitness will help us as we move into our twilight years. And importantly, remember, Grandchildren will still want their Pop to pick them up. If you want to play,  don’t stress, if you don’t have a Team or don’t know your Team Leader, please contact ———————————————————————————————————————————————– Warm and sunny Friday 24th November Hi Masters, Another year done and dusted, we trust everyone enjoyed the Season with GC Masters. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in this, our 11th Season. Congratulations to the 4 Teams who made the Grand Finals. Division 1 Grand Final Winners: WALLABIES BLK Division 1 Grand Final Runners Up: FARCELONA Division 2 Grand Final Winners: RACV Brothers Division 2 Grand Final Runners Up: Broadbeach 90’s Team of the Year: FARCELONA Div 1 Player of the Year: Ryan Dodd (Reunited) Div 2 Player of the Year: Adam Lane (RACV Brothers) Congratulations to everyone who participated. The GC Masters AGM will be held early next month, stay tuned for details. ——————————————————————...

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For your Fixtures, notifications and cancellations on the run, please go to our Facebook Page. We endeavour to update our Facebook Page quickly, as soon as we have a change to our program. We advise as soon as we know Fixture changes, Cancellations etc. This is the first notification place. Please go to Facebook and have a look and hit ‘like’. Please do not respond on Facebook, any questions, please contact our Registrar by E-Mail and not here through Facebook

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Our Regsitrar John Chambers & 3 others wrenched open the doors and freed a couple before their car sank to the bottom of the Canal in 2012 John, who helped to rescue two people from a sinking car has been recognised for his courage. An elderly driver lost control of a car and it plunged into a Broadbeach Waters canal in June last year.

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GC MASTERS play at the Burleigh Bulldogs ground Wednesdays from 6:00pm (or if raining- on the following Monday). First games kick off at 6:30pm Burleigh Heads Soccer Club – Burleigh Bulldogs  Burleigh Heads Soccer Club is part of a large sporting complex called PIZZEY PARK. This Sports Complex is located at Mermaid Waters in the heart of the Gold Coast. (GPS 153º 25’ 9″ East and 28º 04’ 17″ South). Access to the Burleigh Bulldogs is from either Cottesloe Drive off Bermuda Street or via Bardon Ave running westwards from the Gold Coast Highway....

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