What can MOBILE TECH SUPPORT offer you?

We are based on the Gold Coast and understand the needs of business owners and companies.
Apart from doing the real basics on getting better performance and speed out of your computers, we can consult and assist you to either get the best return on your investment if you are in business or we can help with your personal computing (including Gaming) needs.
The ‘Cloud’ is where the world is heading.
The ‘Cloud’ is not new but the terminology and access certainly is.
Cloud storage typically refers to a hosted object storage service including E-mail, but the term has broadened to include other types of data storage that are now available as a service.
We can help you get more Tech savvy and increase your work flow while decreasing your costs.
If you need professional consultation on establishing Google Apps, Microsoft Cloud based and Apple products, then don’t hesitate to contact me.
We offer up to ther minute advise on the new Microsoft platform, Windows 10
You may have Virus and Malware problems that we can fix for you.
If your system has crashed ir-repairably, we can also assist with Data Recovery which is a highly specialised task.
Our job is to reduce your downtime with our quick response and competitive pricing structures.
Why not let us future plan for your computing needs?

Please ring me :
Steve Wellsmore
Ph 0422 654 997


Author: Russell

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