Gold Coast Masters Football was started 12 years ago by 4 Teams back in 2006, played on the back fields at Carrara and afterwards we went over to the Emerald Lakes Golf Course and had a cold beer.
We had no Referees because we didn’t need them, games were competitive but friendly and of course, after the games, the beer was cold.
Most of the inaugural Teams (Brothers, Wallabies, Wizards and Sharks) had the majority of their players over 40 years young which was the catalyst for forming the GC Masters as an Over 40’s Competition.
Kyah Alders was the inaugural Registrar and Tracy Burgess (Wallabies) was the Secretary. Geoff Talintyre, previously the Referee’s Co-ordinator was playing in those days for Wizards.
Dave McInnes of the Wizards was the first President of the GC Masters and was followed by John Dillon (Brothers), Peter Adams (Wallabies) and currently is Bobby Boxall (Farcelona).
Our playing Fields moved to Southport in 2007 and we increased our Teams to 6 including Southport Elders & Lite Ice (110 players) and of course, the beer was still cold!
In 2008, under the guidance of John Dillon, GC Masters moved to Burleigh Heads Soccer Club opening not only their great pitches, changing rooms and club house but embracing us as part of their club and community.
By 2009, our Member Teams had expanded to 10 with the addition of Farcelona, GC Rangers, Burleigh Bulldogs, Real Ale Madrid and Adriatic.
Some games were played at the Croatian Club when the GC City Council closed the Burleigh grounds for maintenance.
In 2010, Ron Uphill’s Tweed Tigers & Studs joined the GC Masters Competition bringing the number of Teams to 12, Fees were $250 or $140 paid twice yearly, the age restriction was still 40 or over.
During this year, the GC Soccer Federation made a Masters page available for us on their Web Site (discontinued in 2012).
Lee-anne Troy was our Registrar, John Dillon was still the President, we had weeks of rain closing the Fields.
During this year, GC Rangers withdrew from the League (bringing us back to 11 Teams) and the beer was still cold.
In 2011, Queensland suffered at the hands of mother nature, John Chambers became the Club Registrar, Former Glory & Broadbeach ’90s joined GC Masters.
In the second half of the year, the format changed to include Divisions One & Two with the Div I bottom Team joining Div II and Div II’s Winner joining Div I.
Div I Teams : Burleigh, Adriatic, Farcelona, Studs, Former Glory & Real Ale Madrid
Div II Teams : Tigers, Broadbeach, ’90s, Wallabies, Brothers, Wizards & Sharks.
The GC Masters Fair Play Policy was introduced to capitalise on the Fun-Friendship-Fitness credo of GC Masters Football.
2012 saw Peter Adams takes on the role of President and Dennis Milling take over as Referees Co-ordinator from Geoff Talintyre with 198 Registered players taking part.
In this year, besides a Goal Keeper, each Team could have 3 players who turn 35 or older in 2012 and any Teams that had more than 3 players in 2011 could retain those players.
A Team Fee rather than an individual Fee was introduced and again rained off games were the norm (but the beer was still cold!!)
In June, we started a Facebook Page and in July, Unathletic Madrid joined our Comp. bringing the number of Teams to 13.
In 2013, Pet Shop Boys and Apollo joined our Comp, Burleigh won the Div I Final (against Adriatic) and Former Glory won the Div II Final (against the Sharks)
2014 sees a new President in Bobby Boxall from Farcelona and a NEW Team “Scales” (Formerly The Jewellery Studio) has joined Div I replacing Apollo.
Div I has been opened up to Over 35 and yes, the beer is still cold, we are still with Burleigh at Pizzey Park, have two Divisions, 320+ people on our E-Newsletter database and finally have a our own Web Site and John Chambers remains the Club Registrar.
2014 DIV I Teams
Pet Shop Boys, Farcelona, The Jewellery Studio, Adriatic, Former Glory and Burleigh
2014 DIV II Teams
Wallabies, Broadbeach 90’s, Tigers, Unathletic Madrid, Real Ale Madrid, Brothers,Wizards and Sharks
2014 has President Bobby Boxall (from Farcelona) at the helm.
There was a fair bit rain at the start of the year which impacted on the Pre-Season Tournament.
In 2014, Div I was been opened up to Over 35 and yes, the beer is still cold, we are still with Burleigh at Pizzey Park, have two Divisions, 350+ people on our E-Newsletter database, John Chambers is the Club Registrar.
2015 DIV I Teams
Adriatic changed their Team name to GC Knights Old Boys, AS Wolves, Wog Boys and Wallabies Black joined Farcelona, Former Glory , Scales and Burleigh
2015 DIV II Teams
Club Foot FC and the split Wallabies White, Broadbeach 90’s, Tweed Tigers, Unathletic Madrid, Real Ale Madrid, Brothers,Wizards and Sharks.
2016 saw a solid start to GC Masters Soccer, Bobby Boxall returns as ‘Commander In Chief’, we are still with Burleigh at Pizzey Park, still have two Divisions, 400+ people on our E-Newsletter database, John Chambers is the Club Registrar.
2016 DIV I Teams
Royal Pine Raiders joins Div I, GC Knights Old Boys, AS Wolves, Wog Boys, Wallabies Black, Farcelona, Former Glory , Scales and Burleigh
2016 DIV II Teams
Reunited joins Div II along with Club Foot FC ,Wallabies White, Broadbeach 90’s, Tweed Tigers, Unathletic Madrid, Real Ale Madrid, Brothers,Wizards and Sharks.
Congratulations to all the Teams for a great year, to the teams that made the Grand Finals Well done!
Results and Awards:
Division 2, Summer champions: Reunited
Division 2, Winter Champions: Real Ale Madrid
Division 1, Summer Champions: FARCELONA
Division 1, Winter Champions: GC KNIGHTS OLD BOYS
Grand Finals:
Division 2: Broadbeach 90’s 3 Club Foot FC 1
Team of the Year 2016: GC KNIGHTS OLD BOYS
Div 2, Player of the Year: Nick Owens (Real Ale Madrid)
Div 1, Player of the Year: Edson Butron (WALLABIES BLACK)
2017 at the helm for GC Masters Soccer is Bobby Boxall , we are still with Burleigh at Pizzey Park, still have two Divisions, 400+ people on our E-Newsletter database, John Chambers is the Club Registrar.
This year saw an FA Cup with the Over 35’s at Musgrave, with the Final won by Over 35’s Panthers
Good job Reunited, the flag was flown well for GC Masters!
2017 DIV I Teams
GC Knights Old Boys, AS Wolves, Wog Boys, Wallabies Black, Farcelona,Scales and Burleigh
2017 DIV II Teams
Former Glory and RACV Brothers (formerly Royal Pine Raiders) joins Div II along with Club Foot FC ,Wallabies White, Broadbeach 90’s, Tweed Tigers, Unathletic Madrid, Real Ale Madrid, Brothers,Wizards and Sharks.
Congratulations to all the Teams for a great year, to the teams that made the Grand Finals Well done!
Division 1 Grand Final Winners: WALLABIES BLK
Division 1 Grand Final Runners Up: FARCELONA
Division 2 Grand Final Winners: RACV Brothers
Division 2 Grand Final Runners Up: Broadbeach 90’s
Team of the Year: FARCELONA
Div 1 Player of the Year: Ryan Dodd (Reunited)
Div 2 Player of the Year: Adam Lane (RACV Brothers)
Congratulations to everyone who participated.
Still not too bad considering we started in 2006 with 4 Teams, no home grounds, no referees but…the beer is always cold!!