Mateship is fundamental to our Australian culture.
Everyone who plays or supports Masters Football shares a common interest—that is …..their love of the game.
Camaraderie is not reserved to the individual Teams.
Masters Football is about encouraging Players and Supporters to build Mateship beyond that.
Get to know Players and Supporters from other Teams.
They are fathers, grandfathers, sons, uncles and brothers, just like you.
Players as bread winners need to leave the field uninjured….
Masters Football is about having a laugh, taking the piss respectfully out of your Team Mates and those on opposing Teams (read respectfully).
We are in the retirement home for footballers.
Our bodies are no longer up for what we did as young men.
Look after it and be mindful of others.
Who knows how long we’ll have to use it?
Play the ball not the man and remember to leave a man’s back to himself.
Vindictive sledging and over aggressive play need not be tolerated.
Play the Ball, an expression we are all too familiar with as young men—it still applies as mature men.
Control your anger don’t let it control you.
Don’t jump to conclusions—-Collisions happen.
Our steering and braking system ‘aint what it used to be.
Some players are playing with replacement parts be mindful of that.
Respect your elders, it’s pretty easy to see who may be an elder.
Respect the Refs even if you don’t agree.
Follow proper channels if you consider something needs addressing.
Remember also, we do have female members and spectators….
Get the heart pumping and the legs moving.
Fitness will help us as we move into our twilight years.
And importantly, remember, Grandchildren will still want their Pop to pick them up.
If you want to play, don’t stress, if you don’t have a Team or don’t know your Team Leader, please contact registrar@gcmasterssoccer.com.au